Picking up where I left off from last time, I took the party over to Tule, where the pirates wanted BEER! Amusing little thing in the RPGe translation. As always, I looted the town before triggering the plot events hinting towards Faris being a girl. Wait, you're not supposed to know that yet, but whatever. Having Faris leave the party with the pirates has the amusing side effect of Reina leading the party, so when I went to play the piano anticipating the possibility of getting the Bard class later, I was greeted with a slightly amusing scene. Before entering the pub, Find Passages proved how useful it would be during this run by exposing one in the Beginner's House-no hidden passage will escape my notice now!

So with all of this silliness and a wall of images out of the way (this post is going to be slightly image wall, still working to try to find the correct balance) we go on to more silliness involving Bartz and Galuf jumping in shock and falling in love with Faris, and then obtaining the Torna Canal key from Zokk. Reina sounds pretty insane when she just yells Zokk :3

While I was in Tule I also stocked up on Potions, bringing my stock up to 20. I had no illusions I wouldn't be using a lot of these when I got to Magissa and Galura, so I figured I'd get as many as possible. I also picked up Leather Caps for Reina and Galuf, bringing their defense up from 1 point to 2. The Torna Canal is another really short dungeon, I was very lucky while running through and got exactly one encounter, with 2 Octorakens. Funnily enough, all of the enemies in this dungeon will only attack girls, and they all have tentacles. Oh, Japan, the implications of what you produce sometimes are not what I want to be thinking about while playing a game about beating up a tree...ok this whole game is silly. and that's part of why I like it.

Karlabos is the first boss with the job classes, and you're supposed to use Bolt spells to help whittle down his HP total. Me? I'm stuck with a piddly Dagger hitting for 60-70, a Knife hitting for 35-40, and 2 sets of fists hitting for 3-4 damage a hit. Even though Karlabos can Paralyze you with Tentacle and put your characters in critical HP with Tailscrew (really neat animation there), the fight is really not that hard with a full party. This guy is most of why I don't have any motivation for Solo character runs.
Faris is in critical HP, she just doesn't
know it yet. |
Reina was paralyzed at the end
of the fight, but there was no danger. |
So after defeating this overgrown lobster, Hydra dies, the ship crashes and I set foot in the Ship Graveyard. When I had a party of White Mages this area was easy since I could kill everything with the Cure spell, but with Thieves I'm stuck with only 2 valid weapons...or am I?

These Skeletons have a 1/16 chance to drop a Dagger! I tell ya, these developers planned for everything. I put my 2 Daggers on Reina and Bartz, and Faris, despite being faster, got the Knife. Why? Well, in the SNES version of the game, knives are supposed to get attack multipliers based on strength and level, but also agility and level. Due to a bug in the code, the agility modifier is always 0 or 1-Faris was simply too fast as a Thief to get this bonus, while Reina and Bartz were not too fast. Once I hit Level 7 though, I lost the damage boost due to the level part of the calculation. I was still powerful enough to 2-shot everything with any 2 Dagger hits, and I had Galuf steal things. I didn't pick up the Flail since there's no way I'll get White Mages (and I couldn't find it too) but I did find a 990 gil pile and the World Map. The last encounter before the boss of the dungeon was with 2 Carcursers and 2 Skeletons-and well, this happened.

That's 3 rare drops from 4 enemies, at 1/16 odds per rare drop. The odds of 3 1/16 chances happening in a row is 1/(16*16*16)=1/4096. Since there were 4 different arrangements of 3 enemies, the actual odds of this number of drops is 1/1024-still less than 0.1%! This doubled my Elixir stock and gave everyone a weapon-I moved the Knife to Galuf since he's the slowest. Unfortunately, I forgot where the trigger for the Siren battle was and walked into it without being fully healed! Ummmm...oops?

Couldn't have said it better myself Bartz. With the White Mages I had last run, I waited until the Undead form and spammed Cure, defeating Siren with no difficulty. With this group of Thieves though, I need to deal my damage to the normal form, as the Undead form has MUCH higher defense. It was a really interesting experience acting 5-6 times between boss actions, I'm used to being slower and having everyone cycle actions. My Dagger-equipped Thieves were dealing 50 damage a hit, so at 230 (Galuf dealt about 30) damage per round, Siren went down in a hurry, but not before transforming to Undead. In hindsight I could have used Potions to kill her in this form, but I sat there and healed. Bartz got knocked out twice by Siren's powerful attacks-a regular attack hit for 100 and a move called "Bear Hug" hit for 96! After she switched back to her normal form though, she cast Haste and died before she could take another turn.
The undead form. |
I wasn't quite done with the Ship Graveyard yet, as I wanted to have 4 good weapons. I fought a few more battles until another Dagger dropped, then headed off to Carwen Town. On the way there I ran into a wild Galura-not interested in fighting that! I used the Flee/Escape command that the AP from Siren gave everyone, which will not only get me out of rough situations easier, but also make powering up the Chicken Knife much easier. Might only take an hour this time around ;). Within Carwen itself, I picked up the Ice Rod in the crate under the docks to either sell for profit later or break on LiquidFlame, if I get a rod-breaking class. I followed this up with a full set of Copper Plates, bringing everyone's

defense up from 2 to 4! I played the piano in the
pub, but while I was there I noticed another passage I didn't know about. I promise this is the last one with an image, I'll just mention where they are from now on.
Finally, I rested at the Inn (10 gil for a full heal, yes please!) and stocked up on items, bringing my total Potions up to 30, alongside 5 of every other item. I intend to be as prepared as possible for these upcoming fights. I walked up to North Mountain after derping around a bit trying to find my way to Walse/Worus Town-affectionately known as Walrus Town to its natives. And standing just outside of North Mountain, I decided it was a good place to stop for the night. Next time we'll get that 2nd class!
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