Thursday, May 12, 2016

Updates on, well, everything

Haven't posted anything here in almost 2 years, and that's not really going to change much for a little while longer- been pretty busy and it doesn't let up until June, really. Of course, once June comes around I'm planning on streaming more (link here) and doing a couple more challenges: naturally another few FFV Four Job Fiesta runs (depending on the teams I get, I might do a writeup here for a no item fiesta!), seriously starting up a PC version FF9 perfect game file (it's well documented how, but the PC version has some interesting changes that should make the overall path a lot smoother), and just generally working from my bloated Steam library (I still haven't played half of it at all!).

So what have I been up to the past couple years?

Ape Escape stuff: Improved my any% to a still bad time, improved my any% no IJ to 55:58 (fantastically played run with horrible boss luck), and pushed the time attacks under 90 seconds, with plans to get under 85 eventually. They've come a long way from barely sub 120!

2015 Fiesta: I did 3 runs, streaming 2 and recording the bosses for the third. I had a pretty easy Random/Risk team that couldn't beat Omega without heavy grinding, then a run of the new Chaos mode that had two Beastmasters, bleh! I tried doing this entire run in one sitting, but tapped out around 12 hours (finished after another 4 hours the next day). I definitely want to try at least one 'single day' run this year, and though I could vie for the most runs completed with heavy emulator feature use (fast forward) I think I'd rather keep a variety of games.
The third run I did was a Team 750 run as I hadn't really used many magely classes. This is the recorded run because White Mage, Time Mage, Bard and Chemist would steamroll the game. Mix isn't very fun to use, though, so I mostly banned it- no damaging mixes, just the buffing ones, and even then I didn't use it too often. I also banned Hide and rod breaking, and though some fights took forever (Adamantimi) I still had a blast with this defensively dominant team!

Chip's Challenge: Link is to a playthrough of the single largest CCLP4 submission set (still in progress at the time of this posting). I managed to get 7th place on the original set with 135 bolds, 2nd on CCLP1 with 144 bolds, 14th on CCLP2 with 135, and 13th on CCLP3 with 94 (which is actually the 4th highest total!!). I still have a lot of initial scores to clean up and would like to be in the top 5 for all sets. Broke a few records, designed a ton of levels, co-leading the CCLP4 staff, won the 2015 CCZone Chip Cup... yeah this has been where a lot of my gaming focus has been lately. There's a ton of depth to the game even on just a casual level: there's a reason that this is my favorite puzzle game ever.

Steam Backlog: Two links here: the first is to an Undertale challenge (double speed, no items) I completed, and the second is to my Backloggery, which I keep updated. Yes, I picked up Undertale, and yes, I enjoy the game. Not as much as a game but as an experience, though the game is pretty fun if you increase the game speed! I've been working towards a perfect run of the 2nd hardest boss in the game at double speed, so keep an eye out for it (best so far is 3 hits). As for my backlog..well, it's not quite 50% complete but I'm getting there slowly. I've managed to bring my Steam average game completion rate back up from 63% to 68%, though I've had it as high as 71% before. I'd like it to be at least 80% with 50 perfect games: I'm at 24 of those so far, so I'm still a ways away but it's definitely attainable.

Other plans: I'm officially announcing a streaming mega-event here that I've had planned for a few months, but it's still at least a month away. There's also going to be a third insanity% race likely at some point during June, which should be another pretty fun time! Anyway:

So in conclusion:

  • Expect nothing else on the blog for another month or so.
  • Depending on the FJF team, possibly expect another report for FFV on no items (good practice for a later point).
  • When I start the FF9 perfect game, expect a report on that too.
  • Once things start escalating with content here, expect an indexing master post.
  • Expect more streams once June hits.
  • Like, lots more streams.
  • I haven't abandoned the FFV no money/no item challenge: but it's definitely on indefinite hold while I work through some of my other goals first. Recording + writing up a report on it takes a lot of effort, and I'd really like it to be high quality and I didn't have the time to do so for a while. Part 2 will come eventually, and likely cover half of World 1 with many videos.

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