Future plans:
I'd like to do a solo class run of every FFV class, all 22 of them. Sullla's solo characters are enlightening, but they only tell half the story. So many places that are roadblocks for a solo character (Karlabos, Purobolos, etc.) aren't for a full party, and some places a solo stomps over (Chimera Brain and Almagest come to mind) are huge threats for a party! I'd like to have a counterpoint to the solo characters, as even though they do demonstrate the ins and outs of the class on its own, they really do only show how an overleveled example of that class operates, and not at all in a party setting. How much does that change things? I'm going to find out! No ETA on when I'm going to start this, but probably somewhere around 2017. Keep an eye out for it!