Wednesday, June 11, 2014

FFV NINMNFNCM Challenge Part 1: A Rocky Start

No Items, No Money, No Freelancer, No Class Mastering

Bartz dispatched the early goblins easily, no need to heal there.  The Pirate Cave was a non-event, with only 1 encounter dealing any damage via an ambush.  The first couple areas before you're supposed to have access to equipment are just too easy, even without items.

The Wind Shrine was a bit easier than anticipated, though Lenna was brought to precarious health by WingRaptor.  I picked up a Broad Sword before the fight and ignored the Tent, using a secret passage to get to the fight quicker.  After getting job classes, I turned everyone into Blue Mages, healed at the pot inside the shrine and picked up Goblin Punch and Aero for use later.  Then I went back to the Pirate Cave for the most valuable spell in these early stages: Vampire, learned from a Steel Bat.  This is the first access to in-battle healing I get, period, healing me for 1/2 of my missing HP, draining from an enemy.  This came in handy in the Torna Canal, as the video below shows.  I won't show most dungeons, just the ones where something interesting happens/it was difficult.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

FFV NINMNFNCM Challenge: Part 0

No Items, No Money, No Freelancer, No Class Mastering

I'm looking forward to the Four Job Fiesta this year, but while waiting for it to start I wanted to do something different with the game.  I wanted to do a challenge with all classes on the table that garnered its difficulty from the restrictions, forcing clever use of the many classes of FFV to work around, similar to Sullla's Ironcore Team (no party wipes), and T-Hawk's Nudists (never equip anything, ever).  Both of these teams utilized Phoenix Downs to great effect.  What if I removed those?  Actually, let's go all out.  No Items, I haven't seen that done with FFV yet.

No Items in this context means never consume an item, ever.  The only exception being using a Tent to progress the story upon reaching Galuf's world.  This removes Potions, Ethers, Elixirs, status restoring items, rod breaking, !Throw and !Mix, as well as Ramuh and Golem from play.  More annoyingly with the other big restriction, no Tents.  Key Items consumed to get even more items (i.e. endgame tablets) are allowed to be used.  No Items was still much too simple, and GilToss was still accessible.  So I stole a restriction from FFIX, where there's not much to restrict...